Group Coaching
Imagine how you feel now that you have your own coach to support you in finding your deep feeling, your inner answers, and your true power? Be in live group coaching calls biweekly for three months and receive powerful teachings that will transform your life. We will dive deep into what came up for you with the content presented and find our deep feeling. We will transmute perceived limitations into great strengths. Enjoy the added bonus of moving upscale in your consciousness each time someone else in our group does.
This is a powerful way to hold yourself accountable for your upgrades in your life as we will be committing to ‘check-in’ every week on how we are doing with our new tools. Our accountability coach will be checking in on you to offer support and ensure you are receiving maximum benefits and blessings from the lessons presented. Be challenged to go further than you think you can go. Be met with powerful, secure love. Be facilitated with the latest quantum technologies in coaching.
Direct Instruction
Many programs may inundate you with information, while Honor School gives you DIRECT INSTRUCTION and masterful facilitation to ensure you thrive in all areas of your life. You will receive guidance and support in embodying your new tools.
Conscious Community
Be supported by conscious community voting your victory every step of the way. We will raise our consciousness togther- elevate, celebrate, upgrade, love and feel together. We are going to move upscale in our consciousness with quantum speed and ease!
Spiritual Laws Study Group
Take action and truly EMBODY SPIRITUAL LAWS. We will be expanding and raising our consciousness with sacred texts. You will receive highlights from our spiritual law studies along with clear steps to apply what you realized. (No more theory…you will put it into ACTION. YOU WILL LIVE IT!)
Miracle Reports
Be inspired by hearing the SUCCESS STORIES of others. Learn from their triumphs and their wisdom. Miracle Reports will amplify your experience and ‘fast track’ you to your own miracles!
Access to a Team of Powerful Coaches
Honor will introduce you to an amazing team of expert coaches in topics such as conscious parenting, conscious relationships and more! You will be invited to retreats and immersions with other masterful facilitators trained in our system. Being in Honor School has additional benefits too. Receive special pricing to events as well as other incentives.
You will receive decrees that will reprogram your old limiting beliefs. Your decrees are a remedy, they strengthen your faith and transform your being.

Speak Consciously
Change your language and change your life. The way we use language daily, whether we are talking with others or to ourselves, shapes our thoughts and feelings, thereby creating our reality. Speak consciously and master your life with ease.
Upgrade Subconscious, Limiting Beliefs
Our subconscious mind is a million times more powerful than our conscious mind. Our subconscous mind is where our feelings and beliefs are stored. Discover profound insights and understanding into what is currently operating in your subconscious mind. Find your hidden feelings and programming and regain your true power.
Be In Your True Power
Transform your conception of Self and remember your true inner security. Feel your confidence and courage in all situations. Enjoy being respected and respecting all you come in contact with. Remember your sovereignty and inner-dependence.
Transform Self Sabotage
The source of self sabotage is in hidden, dysfunctional subconscious beliefs and emotions .Quickly identify your hidden self- sabotage before it acts and transform self sabatoge into your Greatest Strengths!
Live Your Purpose and Passion
Discover your inner heart’s successful path- personally, professionally and in your relationships. Find your heart’s mission and play in your enthusiastic, inspired life.
Create Your Dreams With Ease
Discover you have the power to manifest with ease. Apply proven methods, techniques and a systematic approach to consciously create your world, moment by moment. Awaken your dreams fulfilled and enjoy your new reality.
Each week, we will dive deep into a topic through:
Group Coaching
Success Stories & Miracle Reports
Powerful Exercises
Access to Powerful Tools & Technologies
Powerful Decrees
Spiritual Laws Study Group
We speak consciously.
We utilize our thoughts, words and feelings to create our lives.
We are committed to our consciousness.
We are committed to our highest good.
We touch, stay, and feel our feelings.
We love moving upscale in our consciousness with speed and ease.
We breathe to thrive.
We live in our bodies of health.
We are masterful at creating prosperity and abundance.
We experience continuous, ever-expanding miracles in our lives daily.
We have our co-empowered, sovereign relationships with our family, friends, and all who have touched our lives.
We are in our full power and authority.
We live our highest values and our highest purpose.
We are serving in our true mission in life. and we are doing what we are here to do.
We serve at our highest level.
Each week, we will dive deep into a topic with group coaching, powerful tools, decrees, and spiritual laws.
“This isn’t just another program, this is a true system of enlightenment.”
We stay present and we feel our feelings.
We OWN all of our reality and our experiences as our own creation and we realize we can CHANGE OUR REALITY AT WILL.
We realize we are here to transform subconscious beliefs and lineage patterns and truly thrive in our lives.
We elevate our consciousness by choosing and feeling our LOVE.

The greatest thing you can do for your family, community and world IS YOUR OWN INNER WORK.
So if you’re truly choosing to UPGRADE your with life lightning fast speed, then this is for YOU.

‘Playing In The Field Of Infinite Possibilities’ Call Series
Time 6:30 pm CST
Our classes will raise your confidence and inner security. We offer you an opportunity to transform your current reality into one which fulfills your heart.
We promise if you do the exercises, attend the calls, and stay in the game, you will be provided with miracles beyond your imagination.
Call Series Dates:
Tue, September 13, 2022 6:30 pm CST
Tue, September 20, 2022 6:30 pm CST
Tues, September 27, 2022 6:30 CST
Tues, October 04, 2022 6:30 CST
Tues, October 11, 2022 6:30 CST
Tues, October 18, 2022 6:30 CST
Tue, November 01, 2022 6:30 CST
This is a THREE MONTH Program
•First Month: One Call per week
•Second Month: One Call each week for the first three weeks of the month
•Third Month: One call every other week (Bi-weekly)
You will receive a handout each week.
•You will be sent a link to get on the call each week. (We use Zoom video web call and you will be sent instructions on how to get on your video web call.)
•You are committing to be on every call each week because this is a GROUP movement.
•You will have homework which consists of applying and living your new tools.
Your lessons are embodied in your everyday life. You will see immediate changes in your reality.
We will have a topic each week.
Mark your calendars and be prepared for miracles!
How: Live lessons, recordings of the calls, decrees & home study
Prerequisite: Open to all those committed to upgrading their lives.
Investment: 1330.00 for Three Months Group Coaching