Your answers are already in you
In a world that is often perceived as stressful, there are situations that may arise that seem difficult or even insurmountable. It is when we feel most challenged that we make our biggest and most profound life changes. The times in life that bring us to our knees can bring the most most powerful and positive transformation. People are either motivated to change because the pain becomes so great or because of the benefit in taking their lives to the next level. Whatever brought you here today caused you to find your catalyst for change. Your answers and solutions are in you and we will support you in finding them.
There are no accidents. You are here in perfect timing.


Instead of running away from what you feel or avoiding what you feel, can you slow down and TOUCH what you are feeling?
Can you touch your feelings without making what you feel wrong? Can you touch your feelings without making yourself wrong for what you are feeling? Can you stay and feel even if it may be uncomfortable? Instead of avoiding what you feel, stay and TOUCH.

Our breath facilitates the dynamic movement of spirit that is available to us all when our emotions are felt, experienced and loved deeply.
Our breath IS the most essential aspect of our life and it is also essential in transforming emotion into motion. The more we breathe, the more we feel. The more we feel, the more we are fully present in ourselves and with others.

To stay means to stay and allow greater and greater return of your presence and love.
It means making eye contact even if you feel uncomfortable. Feeling begins with a choice to STAY, even if we may have the urge to run away. Staying is always the return of love, clarity, peace, calm and connection.
Loving what you feel is your pathway back home to yourself.
The minute we touch our feelings with our love, they transmute to strengths for us. Stay, touch, breathe and LOVE what you feel. When you do, you will experience miracles in your life.

Give yourself permission to feel. Feeling your feelings is the key to your true joy and fulfillment.
When we feel, we uncover the messages and divine information stored in our emotions and in our body. When we FEEL our feelings with love, they turn into our true power.
A system that works…
Honor inspires me to look at myself deep. She has a great ease about her. She empowers me remember my greatness. When I first spoke to her she looked me right in the eyes like a mother would her child. She is a masterful coach.
Honor and her coaching program changed the trajectory of my life. She is amazingly gifted in her ability to support others in creating the shifts necessary to make permanent change. With her coaching, I was able to break through some major blocks that had been holding me back for years. I don’t know if I would be where I am today if I hadn’t met Honor. Her love for others and what she does is very apparent. She has the gift of connecting to you on a very deep level that makes you feel safe to open up and feel your feelings. I highly recommend investing in her coaching program if you desire to change your life!
Honor has been a significant part of my life that I am eternally grateful for. Her tender, yet firm, words of wisdom and affirmations play out in my everyday life. Often, when I find my mind drifting into false lands, I think, ‘What would Honor say?’, and, then, I create my very own verbal affirmation…and repeat it…and repeat it…and repeat it…until I truly recognize , FEEL and believe the truth. This is powerful stuff. Honor is powerful stuff. The love, heart and passion that she pours into her work flows through into the souls of all that are fortunate enough to work with and know her.
“Your greatest weakness shall be your greatest strength”

From MY Blog
“I Am Awakening” Key Lime Pie ~ From Cafe Gratitude’s “I Am Grateful” Recipe & Lifestyle book, available at Amazon.com or http://www.cafegratitudestore.com/bk01-ig.html “When has something turned out much better, than you could ever have planned?” CRUST • 1 1/4...
Raw Pumpkin Pie
Raw Pumpkin Pie Recipe Crust 2 cups pecans 1/2 cup soft mejool dates (with pit removed) Blend the crust ingredients in food processor or heavy duty high powered blender, then evenly distribute in the bottom of a pie plate. Raw Pumpkin Pie Filling 4 cups pumpkin cubes,...
Decoding PLU Codes
What the PLU codes on your fruits and veggies mean Read below for the "Dirty Dozen" and "Clean 15" Most of us don't know that the stickers attached to the fruits and vegetables are there for more than just scanning the price. The PLU code, or the price lookup number...